Starting with Enrichment

Enrichment is so much more than just bird toys. Don’t know what I’m talking about? I have an Enrichment and Foraging webinar on my website that goes over all of this found here! It’s about a one hour class where I teach you how to improve your birds life, empower you, and how to use your new education and confidence to work towards behavioral modification towards many undesirable behaviors. That’s right, enrichment can be used to modify behavior. Some of these behaviors include screaming, feather destructive behaviors (I have a guide on this found here), separation anxiety, as well as medically like decreasing pressure sores (learn more about pressure sores here), helping your bird loose weight, increase your birds coordination, strength, and confidence, and help your bird just not be bored!

We also have bird enrichment for sale found here! Our webinar goes into detail about how to use our toy line for foraging with behavioral modification in mind. This information is vital because it comes from a professional bird trainer, not a random bird forum online.


Training Crippled Birds


Voluntary Restraint