Parrot Toys

Toys are meant to be destroyed by your bird. They’re not supposed to be decoration in a cage, they’re supposed to be functional for your parrot. Not all birds enjoy the same textures and toy types. Some like preening toys, some like all wood, some like a verity of shapes, textures, and colors. Some birds like big chunky toys, some like smaller ones.

Every bird likes to destroy. It’s within parrot nature to destroy and be messy. Evolution designed them that way. So if your parrot doesn’t interact with bird toys, then some training may need to be done to show them the way! Not all birds know what to do with toys, often times because breeders did not set them up for success at a young age and taught them while they were exploring the new environment. Most caretakers don’t know how to start teaching, no matter the birds age and species.

I have created an enrichment online class that goes over how to do exactly that, as well as a long list of ideas and concepts to implement for verity and for your bird to choose what it likes. This class can be found here. We also sell our own parrot enrichment toys here.


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