Rearranging Cages
It’s important to rearrange cages and perch set ups for a lot of reasons. The first would be decreasing pressure sores (which I wrote a blog about). Another would be the environmental enrichment of having new perches in new areas with new toys. What I mean by “new” doesn’t always mean brand new, meaning new combinations and experiences with the same objects. It also can help your bird get used to a changing environment, meaning less stress if there is a sudden change like a rehome, moving houses, switching rooms, etc.
The best way to do this is once a week when you deep clean the cage, take all the perches out and toys and put them back differently when you put everything back. For my aviaries, it’s really hard to change perches out alone. I do mine every month or if I start to see pressure sores on my birds feet sooner, which is rare.