Aggression From Fear

Despite his dangerous history, Crazy Bird, my blue front amazon, has defined my odds and really calmed down. Never did I think he would calm this much. We aren’t at perfection, but we are in a really good spot! He was known to be a launcher, jump and fly to attack people. But he sits out with my mom and myself and doesn’t feel the need to launch anymore, even when we are moving around the room and he’s on the tree.

I perceived his launching as fear based and trying to control the situation. Once we were in an aviary together when I met him, he didn’t come attack me, he moved away, which shows me that the launch is to get someone away before he gets uncomfortable or because he is fearful. Once he is more confident and comfortable around us and understands our intentions, as well as gaining some skills to set him up for success, he has really calmed down. We have that trust built between us that I am going to listen to him and not making him feel uncomfortable.

He was a bird that was once considered to by euthanized because of his dangerous behaviors, and thankfully the rescue A Helping Wing stood up for his life and knew that behaviors can be modified and it isn’t worth an animals life. Just waiting and searching for that perfect placement. I became that for crazy, accepting him into my personal flock for the rest of his life.

To learn more about aggression and reasons behind it, visit our blog post here.


Importance of Perches


The Challenges of Pairing Birds