So You Want to be a Trainer

Want to become a trainer? You have to think with the mindset of a behavioral scientist.

Correct training techniques are backed up by sciences. Information that is published, peer-reviewed, and retested again and again. It’s not because of “dominance” which is untrue in the parrot world and it is very easy to use force with that mindset. It’s not about emotions. It’s about observable and measurable behavior.

All parrot owners go through behavioral concerns. A lot of people don’t know where to start, but changing your mindset is a perfect place to start! Here are some tips on where to start:

1. describe in words and in detail what your bird does. Write it down as if you were to explain it to someone who cannot see or hear, has no awareness or knowledge to the issues. The more detail, the better!
2. Identify the behavior you want done instead of the undesirable behavior. Example: instead of your bird screaming, you want them to play with their toys
3. Identify your birds reinforcers by observing their choices
4. Reinforce behaviors you want to see more often (positive reinforcement)
5. Ignore behaviors you don’t want (negative punisher)
6. Replace using force with utilizing consequences. If ___ happens, then ___ happens. If you step up, then you get a treat. If you scream, then I will quietly remove myself from the environment and you get no social interaction. Consequences happen after an antecedent. Consequences can be desirable to a bird, like a treat, or undesirable, like lack of attention. Remember to never use a positive punisher, like squirting your bird with water, earth quaking your arm after a bite, yelling or hitting or tapping your bird, etc.
7. Most importantly, empower and not over power!

Changing your mindset can easily get you on the correct path to cover one your challenges. Consulting with an avian trainer can also help you fill in the education gaps to ensure success!


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