Enrichment More Than Parrot Toys

A lot of people focus on enrichment as just being toys for their birds and foraging. In reality, there are so many more forms of enrichment and ways to enrich their lives. This week, JoJo (yellow nape amazon) and Ringo (orange wing amazon) got a boing rope perch in their cage to explore. When I was putting them back, Jo flew to the boing he was so excited to be on it.

It’s enrichment because it entertains and challenges. You can see the reach, climbing, and strength needed to climb up the boing in the second photo. Not to mention the balance to stay perched. It’s easy to see how excited he is! This spinning, bouncing, swaying rope perch keeps birds active within their cages.

Swings and new perches are great enrichment for your bird, especially new items and items switched around in location within the environment.

If you would like to learn more about different types of enrichment beyond parrot toys, check out our Enrichment and Foraging online class here.


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