Hormones... Life-Long Management
When managing hormones, for some birds it’s maybe a month or more, for some it’s lifelong constantly. For Munchkin, middle of May-July is a real hot time for him. When he’s flat footed, he gets hormonal faster. When he is overstimulated, he gets hormonal and wants to regurgitate. That’s if I’m around or not. His management is little to no ground time, no paper above the grate, and keeping the environment calmer.
I have met birds that have management year round. Hormonal implants and therapies, being careful on physical attention, increasing mental stimulation and exercise, modifying the diet some management strategies for hormones.
Some birds are hormonal periodically compared to others all the time because of a few factors. Upbringing, our interaction, diet, stimulation, health can all change hormones. Birds have real biological desires; they are still wild animals in our home with no successful serialization. So, for a bird to be hormonal during their season every year is normal. All of my birds get hormonal. Some birds are always hormonal because giving basic care is exactly what gets a bird feeling like they’re ready to take on the huge toll of reproducing. If we are pair bonded to our birds, now they also have a suitable mate.
Hormones are apart of parrot care and living. Some birds are easily managed, some need more! Always consult your vet and a professional avian behavioralist and trainer to manage hormones effectively with your specific bird. If you see an influx in hormones, the first step I recommend for management is a trip to the vet to ensure health, as well as see if there are any medical interventions your bird is a candidate for. Then, we work on the behaviors!