Medical, Training Melanie Canatella Medical, Training Melanie Canatella

Travel Carriers

Will your bird go in a carrier easily?

Training for travel is extremely important for our avian friends. At least once a year your bird should be visiting the vet for chemistry to be done. This ensures your bird is staying healthy, since birds hide their illnesses from us.

Carriers are the safest way to transport a bird. It keeps us from distracted driving having to keep an eye on a loose bird in the cabin, but it also helps ensure safety if there was a car accident.

There are a few different types of carriers. I never recommend the back pack carriers because they’re not made out of strong material, and if your bird is behind you, you don’t know if there trying to chew to get out, spooked, or if someone is trying to open the bag. There are wire carriers which are great for those birds who may not enjoy the carrier, since it resembles a normal cage, and it’s difficult for your birds to chew out of it. Then, there are the plastic covered ones. This is great to ensure your car doesn’t get chewed, like my truck is, and it can help keep a bird calm and decrease car sickness.

You don’t have to buy the avian carriers sold for birds. I actually only use dog crates, wire and the plastic. I even installed a perch inside the plastic carriers for more comfortable travel.

I can help get a training plan together for those interested in travel training! Feel free to contact me to set up an online behavior consultation.

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