Melanie Canatella Melanie Canatella

Where You Get Your Information is Just as Important as the Information You're Receiving

We have to be careful where we get our information from when it comes to the care of birds. Follower count, having exotic or a large number of birds, making tutorial videos does not mean quality in information. Even social media “trainers” aren’t always the most educated with their information. I should know, I get a lot of clients who have worked with other big time social media “trainers” that have done more harm than good.

In reality, training and social media is an unregulated industry. You can buy a parakeet as your first bird and same day start a social media account and call yourself an expert. Just because you see it work with one bird or for one person, and they’re teaching you how they taught their one bird, doesn’t mean it will work for yours by any means.

I also find people just regurgitating online anything they hear from anywhere calling it facts. Where is the science to back it up? What are the resources? The quality of information is key. I’ve seen posts talking about a topic so incorrectly I had at least 5 peer reviewed published articles that could easily negate that information. But with thousands of likes, tens of thousands of followers, all those people are getting false information not knowing any better.

That’s why I produce so much content and education. I hope that my account can be a trusted place for scientific discussion and methods. I want to build trust in quality, not in flashy content or “quick results” when in training, nothing is never quick when done properly, just like you can’t learn new skills instantly.

Always consider what are these person’s credentials? Where do they get their education from? Before you follow advise, do more research, ask for other opinions. Don’t just trust a large following and flashy videos as “experts.”

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