About Harnesses

Being outside is enriching for your parrot. It is also good for their health. No matter the bird type, getting your bird outside should always be a priority.

Let’s remember though that bringing a bird whose main form of transportation is flying outside needs to not be taken lightly. It is a MYTH that a clipped bird WONT fly away because they can and will. So, when you bring your bird outside, make sure they are secure. If you have them in a cage of sorts, make sure all bowl doors, big doors, and grates or trays are secured with locks the bird cannot remove. Or bring them out on a SAFE harness. Some harnesses have Velcro on them, and I have heard from a large amount of people that when their bird got spooked and flew, the Velcro did how hold up, or was just about to snap.

The best harness on the market is the Aviator. It is the strongest and most durable harness. Plus, the connection points of the harness do not run over the birds crop or on any pressure points, making it the safest to fly with.

Never put an ankle ring leash on a parrot. Parrots legs are not as strong as raptors legs. They will break if the bird tries to fly off of you. Also, Jesse’s (the raptor bird anklets) are wide and evenly distribute the pressure on the birds legs. It’s made from a soft and forgiving leather. Parrot anklets are a stainless steel hard ring, like their leg bands, and does not distribute the weight and it is not a soft and forgiving material.

Be safe, enrich your parrots life, and enjoy the sunshine!


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