Amazon Spotlight

Amazons have generally three sizes. For those who understand dogs, it’s like standard poodle, medium poodle, and toy poodle; they’re all poodles but they are different sizes and colorations. It’s not exactly like that, but for generalized terms we will go with the analogy.

The larger species include yellow nape, mealy, and double yellow headed. In the medium category you got your orange winged, blue fronts, and lilac. In the small you got your yellow sided and your spectacled or white fronted, which is the smallest amazon species. Of course, there are MANY more types of amazons that will fit into these three size categories, but I just named the most common that can be easily related to.

Although these birds fit into a certain size category generally, it’s not always true. Like Munchkin (double yellow headed amazon) is a small DYH amazon, and Rukkas is also pretty small for being a red lored. So, just because they’re generally in a specific size category, sizes still vary.


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