Bathing Your Bird Benefits

Bath time is the best time! It helps get all the extra dust and dander off of them, which improves skin quality, increasing air quality in the birds area, and improves plumage condition. Bathing helps hydrate their skin. No need for aloe, coconut oil, or any other types of additives to your bird that will degrade their feather quality. Adding oils to let’s say a cockatoo or macaw’s feet and beak is incredibly detrimental to their feather quality because the oil coats the feathers and weighs them down, which doesn’t help with regulating body Temperature. Cockatoos use dust as a feather protector, unlike birds like macaws that use an oil from a preen gland. Adding things to their baths may not be as helpful as we intend it to be!
Bathing also helps give the bird exercise and energy release with the flapping, shaking, and even running around. For some birds, like my Alfie, a bath can stimulate chewing behaviors after, which can keep beaks in check as well!

Don’t let the excuse of “my bird doesn’t like showers” stop you from giving them to your bird. Training the acceptance of water and training bathing behaviors is EASY and can be accomplished no matter the Birds age! Contact me if you would like to have an online consultation about getting your bird loving water, and improving both you and your birds life!


Cockatoos Are Needy


Auditory Enrichment