Bird's Are Loud
Birds are loud without a doubt. Just the shriek of a sun conure will cause ear damage and significant damage over time. After working professionally so long with parrots, as well as having my own for over 15 years, I have hearing loss already. You guys always see me in my red headphones and it’s because I’m trying to save what I have left. When working at rescues full time, one of the main reasons birds got rehomed was for screaming (aggression was also a big one).
Screaming is apart of sharing your life with birds. You can never be guaranteed a quiet bird. There are known quieter bird species, but they do still have the ability to contact call and it is loud no matter what. Birds are not for majority of people because of how loud, messy, expensive, and sensitive they are. Having a parrot is a complete lifestyle change all the way down to fragrances, pots and pans, and cleaning chemicals.
There is some tricks to decrease screaming within parrots. It will never be perfect, but there are methods to have them be quieter WITHOUT using positive punishers like covering their cage, spraying them with water, yelling at them, throwing things, or taking them out of the main room and back to their cage in a back room. None of those solves the screaming issue. The bird may stop, but that’s to escape avoid a consequence (escape/avoidance behaviors) and not learning to engage in other activities besides screaming. If you have a screamer, shoot me a message and we can talk about how to get them to decrease their headache-inducing ways
Enrichment can decrease screaming. We have handmade enrichment items found here. If you are unsure on how to utilize enrichment to decrease screaming, you can watch our online class on Enrichment and Foraging here.