Birds on Social Media Are a Lie
This is the life… sharing my house with special needs parrots. But this definitely isn’t the life for everyone!
Birds online seem AMAZING, right? I mean, look at little Munchkin rolling around playing with me. Wouldn’t this just be so amazing to be around all day?
What they don’t tell you if this is at most 5% of your time caring for a parrot. The rest is not fun. Cleaning everyday for hours, poop EVERYWHERE (potty training parrots can cause serious medical concerns and abnormal dropping habits… so, yes, poop everywhere), constantly training, extremely expensive medical bills (the average check up cost starts at $150 in most areas), and Perot hormones and mood swings like no other.
Birds are forever toddlers that are far more destructive and loud. Majority of parrot calls are over 110 decimals. 95 decimals is damaging to the humans ear, and hearing damage is irreversible from parrots. By forever toddlers I mean anywhere from 35-100 plus years of caring for a toddler.
There is no guarantee that the bird will like everyone in the family, will stay quiet when your baby is sleeping, or won’t set off allergies you didn’t even know you had with their excessive danger and feather down dust. It’s not uncommon for long-term care of parrots to cause us severe respiratory illness in the future.
You have to change your entire home environment for a parrot, which means you may not have the luxuries you’re used to. I have a blog post about household dangers to parrots in my website (link in bio) that outlines luxuries we love, but can’t use with a parrot.
Parrots are NOT for most households, yet they remain the third most popular companion animal in the world. They’re not domesticated; they’re wildlife in your home. But, I’ve dedicated almost 17 years to parrots, and I know it’s the life for me, despite the challenges and sacrifices I face.